A logo is the foundation of any brand. Appropriate use of color and spacing are imperative. It’s important to uphold the integrity of the brand by adhering to the logo standards provided on this and other Trio resource pages.
Click on individual logo images below to download the .pdf file or on a paperclip for the .png file
When a logo is used reversed out (white) on a solid colored background, or an image, the logo must only be in white and with line breaks (negative space) in between each icon section. When using the logo on top of an image, the image must be simplified, not too busy and have similar tones of color.
Click on individual logo images below to download the .pdf file or on a paperclip for the .png file
Appropriate spacing around the logo should always be followed so that other design elements do not encroach on the mark. Also, in order to ensure brand clarity, each logo style has size restrictions.
The tagline may be used with the logo in certain instances, but must adhere to the specific proportions, spacing, and color usage as outlined below.
The brand integrity relies on appropriate and consistent usage of the mark, colors and typography in all situations. Below are just a few examples of inappropriate usage. In addition to referencing the standards outlined in this document, it’s imperative that you use your best judgement to determine when a logo application is not appropriate.